My Mediavine blog journey: This is how long it took me to reach 50k sessions


After losing freelance writing clients, I decided to start publishing my writing on my own website. It went pretty well, and in less than a year I was making more than $1000 a month. Here’s how I did it.

Before I dive into how I built up my website, here’s a few caveats to my story:

  • I have had the domain/website for a while before starting to publish travel content on it. I used this site as my writer portfolio, and had dabbled in a few other blogging ventures on this site (I published a few posts on inclusive language to boost my personal brand).

  • I had some strong backlinks to my domain from the freelance travel writing work I have done previously.

Creating content is hard and time consuming. It’s a slog, and one I managed only because I have a lot of motivation and determination.

A month by month breakdown of building my website to 50,000 sessions

Building up traffic to a website is a slow process, but you will see results faster when you focus your efforts. I’ll walk through the whole year, even though I only really started to intently focus on my travel blog — and see results — from around May.

January — March 2023

  • I published maybe 2 posts in this time, targeting low value keywords. I didn’t really know what my strategy was, and had no real idea of how much work was involved in creating enough content to reach 50,000 sessions.

April 2023

I was in a scooter accident and lost my main freelance writing client in April, which meant I suddenly had a lot more time on my hands.

I couldn’t really go anywhere or do anything, and with no work in my pipeline, I was freed up to focus solely on my travel website.

I went for it.

I published around 30 posts in April, most of which were pretty poorly formatted and targeting random keywords.

I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I was reading a lot of Niche Pursuits success stories and determined to make it work.

I also had to make some big changes to my website, like switching from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1.


July and August 2023

I did very little work on my website these months, as I was offline on extended hiking trips in Norway and Greenland.

September 2023

I spent all of September in Finland, focusing exclusively on writing as much content as I could.

It worked.

By the end of September, I finally started to see sessions pick up.

October 2023

December 2023

By the end of December, I reached around 95k page views, which put me well over the threshold for applying to Mediavine.

My key takeaways:

  • It’s going to take a different length of time for everyone.

  • Focus on writing as much content as possible

  • It is entirely possible to reach your blogging goals with the right efforts.

If you’re interested in starting a blog on Squarespace, you might also find these articles helpful:

Petrina Darrah

I’m a freelance travel writer from New Zealand with bylines in National Geographic Travel, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure and more.

I’ve travelled up and down beautiful Aotearoa and I love sharing my insights into the best places to visit.

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